Our School Aims
Our school provides a broad, balanced, relevant education, based on the National Curriculum. All of our children, whatever age, sex, race, ability, cultural background or religion, are guided to achieve full potential in the areas of knowledge, skills and personal development.
Our all encompassing aim:
'Working together to meet the needs of all our children'
Our School Vision and Values
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Our School Values are:
Respectful - Determined - Proud
These reflect the qualities we strive to instil in our pupils. We encourage the children to think about and embody these values throughout their time in and out of school. These values underpin our school ethos and are regularly discussed with children. We use our positive behaviour system to reward children who demonstrate these values.
At Millfield First & Nursery School by embedding these values we aim to help all our children to:
Have a love of learning and try their best
Be confident in themselves
Have respect for themselves, others and the world we live in
Have a strong sense of family and community
Have equal access to all aspects of school life
Achieve their full potential
Please click the following link to view our School Development Plan Key Priorities:
British Values at Millfield
All schools are required to promote the British Values as set out by the government. Millfield reinforces these values in a variety of ways. The values are set out below and then explained further in relation to Millfield within the image: