Headteacher: Laura Kennedy-Weeks
Deputy Headteacher: Sarah Brown
Office Manager: Clare Ridge
Millfield First & Nursery School
Monks Walk
Hertfordshire SG9 9DT
Tel: 01763 271717
Fax: 01763 274178
email: admin@millfield.herts.sch.uk
During term time our School Office is open:
Clare Ridge, our Office Manager, along with other staff within our Office team will be pleased to answer any queries you may have and can be contacted using the telephone number and email address above.
To request a paper copy of any information on our school website, please contact the school office.
Our Chair of Governors is Mr Peter Godbert, who can be contacted using the telephone number above or by email at governors@millfield.herts.sch.uk
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Laura Kennedy-Weeks (Headteacher); our Deputy DSLs (DDSLs) are Sarah Brown (Deputy Headteacher) and Beth Taylor (Family Support Worker). The DSL and DDSLs can be contacted using the telephone number above or by email at dsl@millfield.herts.sch.uk
Our Inclusion Co-Ordinator (INCO)/Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO) is Mrs Rebecca Gerring, who can be contacted using the telephone number above or by email at senco@millfield.herts.sch.uk
Our Family Support Worker (FSW) is Mrs Beth Taylor, who can be contacted using the telephone number above or by email at familysupportworker@millfield.herts.sch.uk
To contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), please email dpo@millfield.herts.sch.uk
GPS Co-ordinates 51°56'39.00"N 0°01'17.00"W