
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Overview of School Payments

Based on Academic Year 2023/2024


Table of school trips which include parent/carer contributions.


Key Stage


Amount per child









Nursery: Standalone Farm


July 2024

June 2024

 Reception: Cedars Nature Centre £24.20July 2024June 2024






Key Stage 1

Year 2: Great Fire of London Workshop 


October 2023

October 2023


Year 2: Cambridge Botanic Gardens 


May 2024

April 2024


Year 1: Hatfield Forest  


May 2024

April 2024






Key Stage 2

Year 3: Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop


October 2023

October 2023


Year 4: Egyptian Workshop 


October 2023

October 2023


Year 3: Bedford River  


June 2024

May 2024


Year 4: Residential trip to Hautbois Activity Centre


June 2024

October 2023 (in instalments) 


Year 3 and Year 4: Schoolympics £4.00July 2024June 2024

Note: All dates, events and prices are subject to change each year. 


Examples of other payments:

  • Milk £24.32 for Summer Term 2024.
  • School Lunches for KS2 and Early Explorers.
  • School Photographs (individual photos in September/class photos in June).
  • Clubs (Payment by the end of the previous term with the exception of September when letters will be sent home the first week of the new academic year).
  • General fundraising, including Children in Need, Save the Children, NSPCC and The Royal British Legion.

Payment method

Millfield's preferred method of payment is online via Arbor or SchoolGateway:

Cash/cheque may be accepted in exceptional circumstances. 
