
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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At Millfield, we are committed to supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers). We recognise that mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important to our lives as physical health.


We endeavour to ensure that children can manage times of change and stress. We aim to ensure that they are supported to reach their potential or access help when they need it. We also have a role in ensuring that children learn about: what they can do to maintain positive mental health; what affects their mental health; how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and where they can go if they need help or support.


At Millfield we have designated leaders for 'Mental Health and Wellbeing':


  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead and Mental Health First Aider:

Mrs Beth Taylor, Family Support Worker

  • Deputy Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead: Mrs Sarah Brown, Deputy Head Teacher
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Governor: Mr Alex Tomkins

What is Mental Health?

We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. Throughout our lives our physical and mental health may fluctuate. Sometimes we feel fit and healthy, and at other times we may feel unwell, tired, stressed or anxious. Just as small changes like regular exercise and a healthy diet can have a positive impact on our physical health, so small changes can also positively impact our mental health.

Teaching about Mental Health

At Millfield we take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health, aiming to help children become more resilient, happy and successful and to work in a pro-active way to avoid problems arising. We do this by:

  • Creating and applying consistent ethos, policies and behaviours that support mental health and resilience, and which everyone understands.
  • Adhering to Herts Steps therapeutic approach to behaviour management.
  • Focusing on the 5 steps to wellbeing and ‘Zones of regulation’.
  • Helping children to develop social relationships, support each other and seek help when they need it.
  • Promoting self-esteem and ensuring children understand their importance in the World.
  • Helping children to be resilient learners and to manage setbacks.
  • Teaching children social and emotional literacy skills and an awareness of mental health.
  • Identifying children who have mental health challenges and planning support to meet their needs, including working with specialist services, parents and carers.
  • Supporting and training staff to develop their skills and their own resilience.
  • Developing an open culture where it is normal to talk about mental health. 

Parents and Carers

Parents or carers should approach their child/children’s class teacher if they have any mental health concerns. This will be cascaded to the Mental Health Leader for assessment. In addition to offering universal support within school, we may also discuss with you additional support  available to you from the following agencies:

  • School Nursing Service (Interactive website for children and parents)
  • Step2
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • School Family Support Worker
  • NessIE
For information about Special Educational Needs and Inclusion at Millfield please follow the link below:
Please click the documents below for Millfield's Thrive Model and the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Quality Offer from Hertfordshire:

Mindfulness for kids

Please explore the Cosmic Kids Zen Den and Cosmic Kids Peace Out on YouTube for guided mindfulness activities that will help your child find a calm space in the day. 

Supporting the Mental Health of Children Through Creative Arts

The creative arts are an accessible and inclusive way of maintaining a sense of wellbeing and to express internal worlds. It’s something that can be done anywhere, with lots of little resources; with Lego, puppets, toys, paint, playdough, clay, collage, crayons, inks, sketch-pencils or biro. Even outdoors, with things found in nature, such as stones, sticks, leaves, shells and pinecones. The creative arts can be a tool to use for self-regulation, self-understanding and self-compassion. It is a hugely powerful way of communicating our experiences, to grow and to heal. 


Please click on the following icon for more information:

Mable Website


Anxiety & Trauma

Below is a guide to anxiety produce by our Mental Health Lead at Millfield, as well as other information that can support you with anxiety and trauma.

Loss and Bereavement

In the documents below you will find a list of books to support with loss and bereavement. Please choose the correct key stage for age appropriate books for your child. You can aslo find more information on supporting children through loss and bereavement at:

Below is information from the Inclusion Team regarding supporting your child/ren during Covid-19.
Below is a document to support you and your family with managing anxiety around COVID-19 or read below.


Signposting: Please click on the icon to take you to the website


Healthy Young Minds In Herts 








Useful resources:

For your child:

  • Healthy Young Minds in Herts website
  • Apps such as SAMAPP, What’s Up? And Breath2Relax for anxiety
  • Child Line 0800 1111


For you:

  • The Wellbeing Service offers self-referral for emotional wellbeing support in relation to low mood and anxiety, including one-to-one and on-line support. This service is free and confidential.
  • Just Talk Parent Top Tips for getting your child talking
  • Healthy Young Minds in Herts website
  • Mind in Mid Herts – courses on life skills such as coping with anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and depression for 16+ year
  • Samaritans – confidential support in a crisis 24/7, calls cannot be traced and won’t appear on your bill. CALL FREE 116 123.


Parenting Courses

Parenting courses are available through

Friendship Ladders

We are very proud of the children for their focus during our Friendship Ladder morning on Friday 22nd October 2021. 


The children thought about 'We all have the right to feel safe all the time' and about their 'Network Hand'.


Please click on the document below to view what was shared with the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 throughout our Friendship Ladders morning.
