Welcome to the Willow and Rowan Year Group Page
Meet the Year 3 teaching team:
Welcome to Year 3.
We are looking forward to getting to know you all better and all the exciting learning we will be doing this year. If you have any questions please email the class teacher.
Important Information:
- PE is twice a week. Our allocated days are Tuesday and Friday each week. The children will need to wear PE kits for these sessions. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on their allocated days. Please avoid any large logos, lettering or football kits.
- Each week we will post the learning for the week in the Forthcoming Learning section. Please check this weekly as it will contain the key learning for the week, as well as links and ideas to help you support your child at home.
- The Year 3 timetable will be operating on a two week cycle. This will only impact on afternoon lessons. Please look at the Timetable section of the website to see your child's timetable.
- Year 3 will be visiting the library every other Friday on Week B. Please ensure your child has their library book in school on this day so they are able to change it.
- Please send your child into school with a plastic water bottle as metal water bottles are not permitted in classrooms.
- Please avoid sending your child into school with large backpacks and only use a bookbag.