
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?


Pupil Premium is an amount of money allocated to schools for disadvantaged children in order to close the achievement gap.


The government believes that Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM), looked after children, service children and other pupils. 


Eligible pupils are:


  • Pupils recorded as ‘ever 6 FSM’ (pupils who are or have been eligible for FSM at any point during their 6 years of Primary school education)
  • Looked after children and those children who have been adopted from care
  • Children of Service personnel


Pupil Premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units.

Pupil Premium is allocated straight to our school and it is clearly identifiable. The government states that schools are best placed to assess the additional support required for individual pupils within their setting. However, all schools are held accountable for how they use this additional funding to support eligible children. The schools must report and publicise annually how the money has been spent and the impact for eligible children. All matters regarding the use of Pupil Premium funds are treated with discretion and in confidence.


Parents/Carers are strongly advised to check and register if they consider their child is eligible for Free School Meals. Further information is available on the HertsDirect website: or, alternatively, parents/carers can contact the School Office.

More information can be found here:


Pupil Premium Strategies, including annual reviews:

The next review and updated Strategy are due in December 2023. 
