
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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School Day

School opening hours

Millfield opens at 8:45am and closes at 3:15pm. This amounts to a total of 32.5 hours in a typical week. These hours exclude our Wrap Around Care provision.

Please see the following timetables for Nursery, Early Explorers, Reception, as well as Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Nursery Daily Structure:


8.45 – 9.10



Registration/Busy fingers


9.10 – 9.15



Welcome time



9.150 – 9.45


Adult led activities in Key Worker groupings



9.45 – 11.20



CIL – Snack



11.20 – 11.40



Tidy up time/Reflection/Stories/Songs


11.40 – 11.45



Goodbye time

Afternoon Nursery Daily Structure:


11.45 – 1.00



Lunch time/Registration/PSED


1.00 – 1.10






1.10 – 1.40


Adult led enrichment activities



1.40– 2.20



CIL – Snack



2.20 – 2.40



Tidy up time/Reflection/Stories/Songs



2.40 – 2.45



Goodbye time

* There will be an initial flexible timetable to support the transition of children into Nursery/Early Explorers over the Autumn term.

Reception Daily Structure:

8.45 – 9.05


Registration/Busy fingers



9.05 – 9.40





9.40 – 11.00



CIL including Snack & Interventions



11.00 – 11.50



Maths – Adult Led Activities


11.50 – 1.00



PSED/Lunch time


1.00 – 1.05






1.05 - 1.20




Monday - Thursday: Busy Fingers & Interventions

Friday: Celebration Assembly


1.20 - 1.50



Adult Led Activities including English & Topic


1.50 - 2.50





2.50 - 3.15


Tidy up time/Reflection/Stories/Home Time


* There will be an initial flexible timetable to support the transition of children into Reception over the Autumn term.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Daily Structure

8.45 - 9.00


Registration/Early morning learning activity


9.00 - 10.40


Core subject learning


10.40 - 11.00


Break time


11.00 - 12.00


Core subject learning


12.00 - 1.00


Lunch time


1.00 - 1.05




1.05 - 3.15


Topical learning


See individual class timetables for more detail:

Additional Information:

  • The school gates will open for arrival by 8:40am.
  • The classroom doors will open and the registration period will start at 8:45am. Early morning learning will commence at this time. 
  • The gates and classroom doors will close at 8:55am when all children should be in school. 
  • Wraparound Care can extend the school day - please follow the link below to view details regarding The Cabin breakfast and after school clubs, as well as other extra curricular clubs.


An assembly is held each Monday and Friday for children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 come together for class or year group assemblies on Tuesday and Thursday.


Singing assembly takes place each Wednesday for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in the hall.


Reception have class assemblies daily.
