
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Millfield SEND Offer

An outline of the provision we may offer to children with Special

Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The curriculum we offer at Millfield recognises children’s prior learning, provides first hand learning experiences and allows the children to develop interpersonal skills, building resilience and developing creative, critical thinkers.  The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities to engage learning and aim to nurture happy, investigative and enquiring children with a thirst and curiosity for new experience and knowledge. 

We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community and support learning at every level with High Quality Teaching. Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we have high expectations that every child should meet with success whatever their starting point.  In order to achieve this we offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND as part of good general teaching practice in making reasonable adjustments to support learning. We support children with a wide range of needs, including specific learning difficulties, speech and language difficulties, ASD, ADHD, and physical and neurological difficulties.


We offer different levels of support:


Universal Support: To meet the needs of all our pupils within the curriculum.  High Quality Teaching such as metacognitive strategies/resources, adaptation of learning, hooks for learning, visual cues, manipulatives, PSHE , Therapeutic behaviour approach.

Universal+: Short term intervention to address a gap in learning and no further intervention necessary.

Targeted:  Deeper support for issues that are not temporary and may need external advisory support from services available within the Local Authority (Hertfordshire).  For pupils who need further adapted or specific targeted interventions  =  Sustained intervention to address a specific need ie Global Development Delay, phonics or a SEMH need (see SEMH provision)  ie: lego therapy.

Targeted +: Educational needs so significant that these prevent the children from accessing class curriculum learning, environment and /or class timetable.  Sustained and differentiated support for children with an EHCp, Pastoral Support Programme etc.  This may involve a personalised curriculum/timetable.


Staff access training to enable them to support children with additional needs as part of High Quality Teaching. Support may include any of the following:



Strategies to support/develop Literacy development, including reading

  • Extra reading with trained staff members/parent volunteers
  • Frequent phonic assessments and altered groupings using Read Write Inc 
  • Support from class Teaching Assistant
  • Elklan trained staff for flexible in class approach
  • Adjustments to seating to reduce distractions
  • Adjustments to environment (lighting etc)
  • Class seating plans




  • Short, focused phonics teaching activities following teacher assessments, in either 1:1 or small group using Read Write Inc strategies.
  • Pre-teaching topic specific vocabulary 

Universal +

  • 1:1 intervention by teacher/TA (overseen by SENCo)
  • Teacher training in additional Literacy Support programmes provided by the Cognition and Learning Team at Herts for Learning.
  • Advice from other professionals e.g. Autism Advisory Teacher, provided by the Local Authority, to support and improve access resulting from barriers arising as a result of difficulties associated with specific conditions
  • Use of assistive technology

Targeted (Millfield SEND Support Plan)

  • External Professional advice within EHCp procedures for differentiated curriculum and/or timetable
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.

Targeted + (EHCp)


Strategies to support/develop Numeracy development

  • Kinaesthetic approach to numeracy teaching – equipment available for all children
  • Adjustments to seating to reduce distractions
  • Adjustments to environment (lighting etc)
  • Class seating plans
  • Support from Class Teaching Assistant


  • Short, focused teaching on specific activities following teacher assessment to identify needs, in either 1:1 or small group using a range of resources
  • Pre teaching of vocabulary/skills to support learning

Universal +

  • 1:1 intervention by teacher/TA (overseen by SENCo)
  • Teacher training in alternative programmes if support provided by the Cognition and Learning Team at Herts for Learning.
  • Advice from other professionals e.g. Autism Advisory Teacher, provided by Local Authority, to support and improve access resulting from barriers arising as a result of difficulties associated with specific conditions e.g. chunking of work, pre-teaching key mathematical words and precision teaching where specific areas of difficulty have been identified.

Targeted (Millfield SEND Support Plan)

  • External Professional advice as advised via EHCp provision, for differentiated  timetable and curriculum
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.

Targeted + (EHCp)

Planning and Assessment to support learning

  • Highly focussed pupil progress meetings 3 x year, to identify barriers to learning and adjust provision to match needs.
  • Early identification of any vulnerabilities that may present barriers to learning
  • Formative feedback to support learning progression linked to consistent policy and practice to provide continuity and set high expectations – feedback appropriate to learning stage of pupil and may be written, verbal or in the form of photographs


  • Intervention tracking and feedback at pupil progress meetings to track progress in Targeted and Targeted+ interventions

Universal +

  • External Local Authority advice, Intervention tracking and feedback at pupil progress meetings to track progress in Targeted and Targeted+ interventions

Targeted (Millfield SEND Support Plan)

  • Use of small steps assessment tools to measure progress over time and identify gaps
  • Differentiated planning tailored to individual’s interests

Targeted +

Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum

  • Supportive seating arrangements e.g. planned classroom layout, carpet spot
  • Working outside of classroom in quiet areas
  • Metacognitive skills taught within everyday learning such as organisational skills, memory support


  • Readily available equipment to support access to the curriculum and/or learning environment
  • Access to IT
  • Supportive seating arrangements e.g. planned classroom layout, own space with equipment and personal

Universal +

  • Access to ear defenders, wobble cushions, ‘fiddle’ toys, writing slopes, pencil grips, coloured overlay etc


  • Advice and assessments from Local Authority provision via the Hertfordshire Local Offer.
  • Development of individualised, differentiated curriculum based on children’s individual interests wherever possible.
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.

Targeted +

Strategies to support the development of independent learning

  • Well organised classrooms
  • Metacognitive skills taught within everyday learning such as organisational skills.
  • Consistent application of Millfield PROUD rewards across school
  • Use of visual timetables/checklists/daily timelines Working walls/ learning support via displays


  • ‘Chunking’ of activities
  • Task planners
  • School PROUD rewards for metacognitive successes
  • Sticker charts
  • Positive praise

Universal +

  • Pre-teaching class learning

Targeted (Millfield SEND Support Plant)

  • Access to personal ICT
  • Personal table base with equipment
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.

Targeted + (EHCp)

Strategies to support development of positive behaviour for learning and develop self- esteem

(See SEMH provision)

  • Millfield Behaviour Policy and home school agreement
  • Therapeutic practice
  • Consistent use of scripts
  • Reflection room for restorative justice conversations
  • Consistent re-enforcement and use of Millfield reward systems (PROUD & house tokens, challenge cards)
  • End of Term rewards
  • Peer Mentors
  • Use of social stories


  • Individual or small group social skills support


  • Pastoral Support Programme
  • Part-time timetable as short term support to manage major escalations in challenging behaviour
  • Risk assessment to identify strengths and difficulties and strategies to support
  • External advice sought from Local Authority provision as necessary
  • Protective behaviours


Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional well-being (including communication with parents, professionals, meetings and preparation of reports)

  • PSHE teaching programme
  • Class yoga
  • Class daily mile
  • Class Brain breaks (sensory breaks)
  • Zones of Regulation



  • Parents are welcome to make an appointment or call in to see the class teachers, Family Support Worker, key workers or SENDCo at any time.
  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance support (Early Birds, Check ins)

Universal +

  • Termly meetings for parents with children on the SEND register
  • Faces & Feelings bespoke intervention provided by TA
  • Sensory audits – adjustments to reduce sensory overload with accompanying anxiety
  • Millfield staff are experienced in liaising with a wide range of professionals and accessing specialist support where necessary. Recommendations are implemented and progress monitored regularly

Targeted (Millfield SEND Support Plan)

  • External Professional advice/meetings from Local Authority provision for differentiated and timetable and curriculum
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.

Targeted + (EHCp)

Strategies/Programmes to support speech and language development

  • Staff trained in Elkan
  • All staff trained in Communication Friendly School strategies


  • Programme provided by speech and language therapist delivered by teacher and trained teaching assistant between 1 and 3 times weekly
  • Literacy support TA/SENDCo input strategies
  • Class TA or possible Learning Support TA available at various times to support differentiated timetable and curriculum in class.



Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day, including personal care

  • Breakfast/Fun club before and after school
  • Lunch time quiet area

Universal/Universal +/Targeted

  • Key Worker support
  • Individual break and lunchtime timetables and arrangements
  • Intimate care plan,

Targeted +

Access to medical interventions

  • Identified First Aiders and timetable
  • Identified Paediatric First Aiders
  • Close liaison with parents

Universal/Universal +

  • Access to, and support from, school health advisor
  • Information on individual children e.g. allergy suffers class pack and displayed in staff room
  • Liaison with relevant medical advisor regarding necessary training to support medical needs e.g. teaching


  • Relevant staff training to support children with NHS plans such as diabetes
  • ESMA for children with long absences from school due to medical needs

Targeted +

The needs of the vast majority of children at Millfield School can be met using strategies appropriate to their needs within our Universal and Universal+ provision. However, where children are identified as having complex needs, a decision may be made to apply for an EHC plan in order to support their learning in the light of their complex needs.

Primary Descriptors of Need
