
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is so important to us at Millfield. It helps us in a range of ways, including: tailoring our curriculum; it ensures that we are focusing on children's interests; it helps us to ensure our teaching and the children's learning is delivered effectively; it also aids children's understanding of our School Values, as well as British Values.

Pupil Voice is collected at varying points over the school year and for a range of reasons. These can include: an annual school survey, before and after topics, before and after school events, to seek focused information e.g. thoughts on online safety, as well as sharing information about lessons.


Below is a taster of Pupil Voice responses:   

Science Week:

Year 2 Great Fire of London Experience Day:

'There was a fish and it was really big. We had a fun day dressed up.'


'We had to write with a feather and ink, it was very messy.'


'We got to look and touch lots of artefacts, it was really interesting to learn about the past.'

Year 4 French Café:


KS2 Cross Country

'We all had lots of fun running the cross country, but it was very tiring.' - Ryan.


'Every time we finished a lap, we received a sticker.' - Valerie


'You might get a stitch, I did!' - Rufus

Year 1 Speed Stacking:

'I liked it when we stacked the tower.' - Maxwell


'We had to see how quick we were at stacking cups.' - Harry


'My favourite thing was bowling and knocking the cups over.' - Ruby

Herts Catering Limited Cookery Lessons:
