Remote Home Learning Offers
Our offers outlined below are designed to cover a number of scenarios, but we do appreciate that not every set of circumstances may be covered. If the needs of your child cannot be met through the provision we have outlined, please make contact with your child’s class teacher to discuss your concerns. Please click on the relevant Key Stage document to access the remote learning offer for your child/ren.
Temporary Home Learning Packs can be found in the following section on the website:
Other useful websites to support home learning:
Online safety at home.
Please click on the links below to access different packs to support with online safety at home.
Consistent routines are important for behaviour and wellbeing in school, as well as at home. Routines support behaviour and you will be finding a new rhythm with your family. Below is a daily checklist you could share this with your child. Talk and plan with your child a routine supports the whole family.
Ensuring that you have fun as a family is an important aspect to include in your daily routine.
For further resources, advice and links for SEND and Inclusion please click on the link below: