
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Medical Information


If your child is unwell they should not be sent to School. To avoid the spread of illness, please keep your child at home for 48 hours following the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea. If your child has an infectious or contagious disease it is important that the School is informed and a doctor’s clearance obtained before returning to School.


Medicines in School

If your child is well enough to attend School but needs to complete a course of medicine then you will need to make arrangements to come in to administer them yourself and sign the medical log. The School will try and support and supervise children requiring medicines for long term medical needs e.g. asthma. Please contact the School Office for a consent form and advice. Please ensure that the School is notified of any relevant medical conditions and informed of any changes. It is parents responsibility to ensure that all medication kept at School is ‘in date’ and safe to use.


Further Medical Information

Parents/Carers will be informed of any routine based medical checks or immunisations offered by the NHS and carried out at school, in school time. 


Any parents/carers wishing to discuss a health matter please contact the School's Inclusion Co-Ordinator via the School Office who can signpost you to the appropriate professional/s. 
