
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Key Stage Results

As a First School, our children undergo statutory assessments:

  • at the end of the EYFS (Reception) where children are assessed against the 7 areas of learning (Early Years Profile);
  • in the Summer Term of Year 1 where children participate in a Phonics Screening Check;  
  • in the Summer term of Year 4 where children participate in a Multiplication Tables Check.


The Local Authority collect our data to compare with other schools and settings locally, as well as Nationally.  As a school, our data re-affirms what we already know about our children and is used to target support for individuals, groups or learners or whole cohorts.  It will also help direct our priorities for the coming year.  

Statutory Early Years Profile


CohortPercentage scoring 32 or more out of 40 
2023-24 (Administered in Summer 2024)77%


Statutory Phonics Screening Check


CohortPercentage scoring 32 or more out of 40 
2023-24 (Administered in Summer 2024)85%


Statutory Multiplication Tables Check


CohortPercentage scoring 80% or more
2023-24 (Administered in Summer 2024)73%


Click the link below to view schools performance tables on the Department for Education website.

Below is a direct link to the Millfield First & Nursery data on school and college performance tables service: 
