Mathematics within Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
In the EYFS at Millfield, we believe that the most valuable mathematics learning takes place through play and children’s daily experiences. We strive to make Maths meaningful and hands on and ensure that our indoor and outdoor environment provides mathematical opportunities for children to explore, sort, compare, count, calculate and describe. We support children to become creative, critical thinkers and problem solvers and to be confident to have a go at all maths learning, this links in with the Characteristics of Effective Learning which underpin learning and development in all areas including Mathematics.
The ‘Early Years Outcomes’ divide Mathematics into two areas ‘Numbers’ and ‘Shape, Space and Measure. As part of Numbers children are taught to count and understand the value of numbers. These skills support them to solve problems, use money and calculate more or less.
In Shape, Space and Measure children are taught to understand size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money and compare quantities, objects and solve problems.
In Nursery and Reception Mathematics is also taught discretely in sequences of lessons which build on and consolidate children’s prior learning and provide new challenges. Children are introduced to practical resources including Numicon, number lines, counters, cubes and coins.
Mathematics within Key Stage 1 and 2
At Millfield, we ensure that children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and are able to apply their skills to problem solve. Maths is taught as a stand-alone subject every day within classes and is also embedded into other areas of the curriculum e.g. computing and topic. Lessons are adapted to ensure all children are able to access the curriculum and feel challenged.
In KS1, children build on the Mathematic skills they learned in Reception. They use many different practical resources including Numicon, bead strings, counters, cubes and coins and once secure with concepts they move onto the written recording of calculations. Topics are taught through a series of lessons that build on and consolidate the previous learning whilst moving them forwards.
Our maths lessons have a clear structure: Each day we provide practise of the four mathematical operations through our ‘4 a day’ activity. This provides the opportunity for children to develop mathematical fluency. Children are taught key mathematical concepts and then undertake activities to develop their understanding of this teaching e.g. problem solving, practical activities or written tasks.
Teachers are continuously assessing children to ensure they are progressing and identify those children who would benefit from intervention. By the end of KS1, children are expected to know their 2,5 and 10 times tables. By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all times tables up to 12. Children from Year 2 and up have access to Times Tables Rockstars, which can be accessed at home. Using this program will help with engagement, confidence and fluency with times tables. Children in Year 4 will also take part in the Government Times Tables Check in the Summer Term.
We have additional maths events through the year e.g. themed days when the children are given the opportunity to explore and apply their mathematical skills in a different context. Key Stage 1 and 2, children have access to Mathletics; Year 2 to Year 4 also have access to Timetable Rockstars. These are both online personalised maths learning platforms.
Click on the icons to take you directly to the login pages for TT Rockstars and Mathletics.
Millfield's Calculation Guidance:
Please see information from a parent/carer workshop held at Millfield regarding Maths: