Maths FAQ:
How can I access Mathletics for home learning?
Your child has their own log in and password for Mathletics. This was issued to your child by their class teacher to access tasks set. Any further support, please speak to your child’s teacher.
How can I support my children at home with maths learning?
Mathletics home learning can be revisited and there are a number of activities and games that you can play with your child to assist with their maths learning.
Can I find out the methods my child is being taught in maths?
The school has a calculation guidance, which sets out the expectations and methods taught throughout the school. The guidance segments each year group to allow you to find the appropriate expectations for your child.
What are the home learning expectations for my child?
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, all children are set weekly Mathletics home learning to complete online. From Year 2 to Year 4 children also have access to Times Tables Rockstars.
How is maths taught in school?
A typical 60 minute lesson in Years 1 to 4 will be structured like this:
Maths fluency warm up sessions daily in addition to lessons to practise fluency facts, over learning of number facts and putting learnt skills into different contexts.
Oral learning and mental calculation (about 5 to 10 minutes) whole-class learning to rehearse, sharpen and develop mental and oral skills.
The main teaching activity (about 30 to 40 minutes) teaching input and differentiated pupil activities – work as a whole class, in groups, in pairs or as individuals.
A plenary (about 10 to 15 minutes) working as a whole class to address misconceptions and identify progress. Also to be used to summarise key facts and to make links to other learning as well as giving the children the opportunity to self-evaluate their learning. Mini-plenaries may be used throughout a lesson to revisit, consolidate and share next steps in learning.
English FAQ:
What do I do if I have no books/incorrect books?
Please speak to your child’s class/setting teacher and they will update them.
What does my child’s colour band mean?
Information regarding book bands and progression can be found at the link below.
When will my child move to the next colour band?
At Millfield we use a ‘miscue system’ to identify when a child is ready to progress to the next book band. The miscue focuses on both word reading and comprehension. In order to make the best progress your child should be reading at 95% accuracy.
How is handwriting taught?
Handwriting is taught in all year groups across the school. Teachers deliver handwriting lessons at least 3 x per week. Modelling of letter formation and joins is accompanied by fine and gross motor skill activities. Please see the link below for handwriting guidance.
What is SPaG?
SPaG is short for spelling, punctuation and grammar. At Millfield it is taught in both isolation and as part of English lessons. Every teaching space has a grammar wall so that the children receive a consistent approach.
How many of lessons of PE per week?
Your child will receive 2hrs of PE teaching per week.
What will my child learn in PE?
At Millfield, we provide the children with sporting activities that develop basic skills of balance and co-ordination (KS1). To then gain more competence in sport using skills such as aiming, kicking striking and throwing (kS2). Personal fitness, co-operate and competitive skills, as well as we value sporting opportunities of both a competitive and non-competitive nature. We provide a varied curriculum across the whole school, which includes an element of theory within P.E.
How will my child be supported in PE?
We are fortunate to have a PE coach at Millfield: Mr Rome. Mr Rome teaches PE lessons throughout the school and is supported with younger year groups by another member of our teaching team.
Our PE lessons are communication friendly and inclusive, the staff use visuals to support all pupils to access the lesson and make progress. If your child requires additional support in PE, they may be chosen for our fitness club.
Weather Conditions:
We use our schools in all weathers, as long as it is safe to do so. Outside kit is required to be worn by all Pupils.
How will I find out how my child is progressing in PE?
Information will be shared about PE attainment and progress in the annual report in July.
How can I find out about sporting events/clubs?
This information is on our club letters, newsletters, website and Facebook pages. . All Children are given the option to sign up to our wide range of sporting clubs termly.
What is covered in the RE/PSHE curriculum?
PSHE is adapted to the needs and age of the children but the majority of PSHE learning is based around three core areas: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
In RE, there are two attainment targets which set the broad objectives of all RE teaching: Learning about RE and Learning through RE.
This learning is based around 6 key areas:
How will I know what my child is learning in RE/PSHE?
Parental planning information is shared with parents/carers on a termly basis. Please find the planning within the curriculum tab below.
If I want to speak to a member of staff about the curriculum/learning, who do I contact?
Please speak to the Class Teacher in the first instance and they can direct you to a member of the PRP Faculty if required. Please see the Faculty information by clicking the link below.
Computing FAQ:
What equipment do the children use in their Computing lessons?
Every child from Year 1 to Year 4 has a timetabled computing lesson where they have access to laptop computers to help them with their Computer skills. There is also a set of iPads that are available to be used. Available for use with the laptops is a mouse so that children still get to develop these skills. In the Early years, there is full access to an iPad trolley to be used for their computing sessions. Extra equipment is also used e.g. Bee Bots as controlling devices.
Are children assessed in Computing?
All children in Years 1 to 4 are assessed once a term in Computing at the end of a unit of work. This will be reported at the end of the year in their school report where you will be informed whether they are working below, at or above age related expectations. In the Early Years their Computing learning goes towards their assessment in the Understanding the World section.
Where is computing learning saved?
Children have an individual log on for the school server which provides an area where they can save their learning not just from computing lessons, but for whenever they use technology for their learning across the curriculum. This is sometimes printed off and displayed in their subject books, or if they would like, take it home. The rest is stored on their network area.
Science FAQ:
What areas of Science are taught?
Throughout the school, all three subject areas (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) are taught. This can be through discreet science lessons or part of a topic. The school also takes part in British Science week where we focus on Science through investigations which create awe and wonder.
How is Science covered in the Early Years?
Science is covered within 'Understanding the World' of the EYFS curriculum. As a school we also encourage the Children to explore e.g. the outside nature area has stimuli in place to provoke discussion around science.
How is Science assessed at School?
The school uses assessments to ensure consistency and moderated outcomes.
Music FAQ:
How is music taught?
Music is team taught by a music specialist alongside class teachers in KS2. In EYFS and KS1 music is taught by class teachers and support staff. All of the children receive a weekly music lesson. In addition the children in KS1 and KS2 attend a weekly singing assembly where they learn a range of songs both modern and traditional and from a range of cultures. The children learn to sing French songs in order to make cross-curricular links with their learning in MfL and allow them to practise their French.
What additional musical opportunities are provided?
Throughout their time at Millfield, children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of musical activities. In addition to their timetabled music lesson and singing assembly the children learn to play the recorder in Year 2 and the uklele in Year 4. It is also possible for children to receive private tuition for various instruments, such as the keyboard, within school time.
When will I see my child perform?
We are keen to allow the children opportunities to perform. Throughout the school year parents are invited to our termly performances which highlight the songs learnt by the children.
Modern Foreign Languages (MfL) FAQ:
What modern foreign languages are taught?
We teach French throughout Key Stage 2. This enables our pupils to be well prepared for the next stage in their education, normally middle school, as the majority of middle schools in our area teach French within their MfL curriculum.
How is French delivered at Millfield?
French will be delivered to your child within a designated lesson, as well as within other areas of the curriculum e.g. school register and learning French songs in Music lessons.
Which scheme of work do you follow?
French is delivered via a programme. This provides powerpoints, songs, interactive games and differentiated learning across a wide range of topics and is used throughout KS2. It is fully curriculum compliant and allows teachers to choose topics that complement learning in other areas such as topic.