IMPORTANT: National Changes to Attendance & Fixed Penalty Notices (Essential Reading)
As part of the Government focus on improving school attendance, from 19th August and therefore in action from the beginning of the 2024-25 Academic Year, there are a number of changes to the guidance on attendance set by the Government. As a result of this, the Local Authority have updated their attendance guidance.
It is extremely important that parents read the two documents regarding these changes that are below to understand how this will impact families.
As Millfield is a Hertfordshire County Council School (HCC), we follow the guidance set out by HCC and consider each application for a leave of absence based on individual circumstances of a family. Where an absence is not deemed as an exceptional circumstance, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and this may lead to a Penalty Notice Fine being issued by HCC.
Please see the 'Helping Parents understand Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance' information sheet for more information:
Whole school attendance for Reception, KS1 and KS2 this week is 95.44%.
Well done to Cherry, who are the winners for attendance with 98.2% this week.
As ever, our 96% or more attendance target is in place for next week.
Weekly Class Attendance:
Class | Percentage |
Olive | 93.33% |
Birch | 93.67% |
Apple | 94.44% |
Rowan | 94.64% |
Ash | 95.17% |
Maple | 95.67% |
Oak | 95.67% |
Elm | 96.67% |
Willow | 97.31% |
Cherry | 98.26% |
Whole School | 95.44% |
*Note: Attendance period covers from a Friday through to a Thursday.
Autumn Term attendance for 2024-25 for Reception, KS1 and KS2 was 95.87%.
Well done to Ash Class, who were the winners for the Autumn Term attendance with 97.6%.
Termly Class Attendance:
Class | Autumn Term 2024 |
Olive | 94.38% |
Elm | 94.82% |
Apple | 94.9% |
Maple | 95.64% |
Cherry | 95.84% |
Birch | 95.96% |
Oak | 95.97% |
Willow | 96.29% |
Rowan | 97% |
Ash | 97.64% |
Whole School | 95.87% |
Yearly attendance for 2023-24 for Reception, KS1 and KS2 was 94.38%.
Well done to Willow Class, who were the winners for yearly attendance with 95.7%.
We want our children at Millfield School to enjoy coming to school. Our weekly attendance target is 96%, but we strive for 100%.
Research has proven that there is a high correlation between school attendance and academic performance and success.
Absence from school is often the greatest single cause of poor performance and achievement.
Good Attendance
Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life. We believe that children who do not attend school regularly are more likely to:-
Why is it so important to attend every day?
Are there other benefits to my child?
What are the risks of frequent absences?
Regular attendance is necessary for success in school. Help ensure that your child has the best opportunity for success by making sure they are in school every day.
What can parents do to help?
There is a clear link between attendance and attainment; the more time a pupil spends in school the more likely they are to improve their opportunity to fulfil their full potential.
The Law states that:
A school has to take a register of all pupils first thing in the morning and sometime during the afternoon. The Government advice states that schools can keep the register open for up to 30 minutes, however this may be for a shorter period. If a pupil arrives late to school but whilst the register is still open they are marked as late. If a pupil arrives at school after the register is closed, without a satisfactory reason, this may be classed as an unauthorised late absence and may lead to prosecution for not ensuring your child has regular/punctual school attendance.
Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning:
• Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost each year.
• Arriving 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 9 days a year.
• Arriving 30 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 18 days a year.
If your child attends school on time they will feel more settled each day and are more likely to succeed.
Some things that help punctuality:
What should you do if you have a problem getting your child to school on time?
Click on the link below to read our Attendance Policy.