
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Change is a normal part of life and can provide opportunities for children to develop their resilience. Whether a child is joining us at Millfield, moving between year groups or moving on to their next educational setting, the transition period is carefully planned and managed in order for it to be smooth and effective for the child.

When your child starts at Millfield, the following information will be provided during the induction process:

  • class and teacher
  • house colour
  • individual phone call if required


If you have any questions regarding your child’s individual transition please email:

Induction information

Useful starting school skills

There are many ways you can support your child to prepare them for starting school. Below is a list of useful skills your child can develop with you at home to support their transition into school.


  • Practice getting undressed and dressed – this makes playtime and P.E. more enjoyable as children have more time to play and learn.

  • Use the toilet confidently

  • Wash hands properly and independently

  • Carry own things – your child will bring their bag and drink bottle into school themselves, so practice this at home!

  • Encourage lots of outdoor play -  jumping, swinging, running and playing on climbing apparatus. Big physical play helps the brain develop, and builds the smaller muscles ready for writing later on.

  • Use please and thank you when talking with your child and encourage them to do the same

  • Share and take turns - you can encourage this through activities like family board games and giving your child opportunities to play with other children.

  • Experience of being away from you and in the company of others – this will really support your child with coming into school.

  • Talking as a family – this helps children become more confident communicators

  • Encourage a love of books - sharing cuddly story times, discussing favourite characters and parts of the story.

  • Encourage drawing, colouring and painting – This will develop their fine motor skills.

  • Talk about colours – point out different colours and encourage your child to recognise them

  • Have fun counting everything - buttons on coats, stairs, how many steps it takes to reach the kitchen. Point out favourite numbers, such as your child’s age, on the calendar, house numbers and number plates on cars.’

  • Tidy up – encourage your child to tidy up toys they have got out ready for school.

  • Be really positive about starting school - Walk past it regularly, talk about what the children do there, and make a big deal of how much fun your child will have.


Any fun activity you do at home will support your child’s development such as, baking, cleaning, going to the park, going for a walk, drawing pictures, speaking to family members and playing games!
