
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Every child from Nursery to Year 4 represent a Millfield House: Red, Orange, Blue and Green.


Children wear their designated colour for PE lessons, as well as for a range of school events. This provides children with the opportunity to represent their houses and feel part of a team.


Children can earn tokens for their House in a range of ways, such as: showing good manners, showing our school values, representing the school well, for efforts in learning and for positive learning behaviours.


The tokens are inserted into our school tokenometer. Each term, our pupil voice groups add up how many tokens each house have been awarded. The winning house is awarded a termly trophy. The house that has been awarded the most tokens over the year is awarded the Annual Trophy. The children take great pleasure in celebrating their own House success, as well as the success of others. 

2023-2024 Annual Winner: Red House

2023-2024 Termly Winners:

Autumn 2023Red House
Spring 2024Red House
Summer 2024Red House

2022-2023 Annual Winner: Red House

2022-2023 Termly Winners:

Autumn 2022Blue House
Spring 2023Red House
Summer 2023Red House