
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Millfield PTA News


2023/24 CALENDAR

30th November 2023Non uniform day for donations for tombola
15th December 20234:00pm - 6:00pm Christmas Fair 
2nd February 2024KS1 Disco
9th February 2024KS2 Disco
28th March 2024Easter Egg Hunt for Millfield children (this will take place during the school day)
3rd May 2024KS1 Movie Night TBC
10th May 2024KS2 Movie Night TBC
22nd June 2024       Summer Fair featuring a Colour Run


As always it would be really lovely to welcome new parents to the Millfield PTA team. If you are able to give some of your time to support us throughout the year we would appreciate it. Please feel free to get in touch with a Millfield PTA member on the year WhatsApp groups or on
