
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Please see information below for the week commencing 8th July 2024:


Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Class Teacher information for 2024-25 will be shared with parents/carers today. Children will be informed during the school day in preparation for the Transition session on Thursday this week.


Schoolympics for Year 3 and 4 children at King James Academy (KJAR). The event will be led by the Sports Partnership and the Sports Leaders from KJAR. Year 3 and Year 4 children will need to wear their PE kit and trainers to school on this day, so they are ready to enjoy the experience. They will also need to bring a named water bottle and dress appropriately depending on the weather. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


‘The 2 Johns’ E-Safety Training: During the school day children in KS1 and KS2 will experience workshops which will focus on teaching children how to stay safe online. A particular emphasis will be on understanding and dealing with 'stranger danger’.


6:15pm – 7:45pm: We are thrilled to be inviting parents/carers to a workshop which is designed to support families with online safety and effective strategies to address the modern-day challenges our children face in the digital world every day. Please make your way to the school hall where we will be serving refreshments. Please see the letter and posters sent home for more information.


Reception School Trip to Cedars Nature Centre in Waltham Cross. Please see Tapestry for more information.


KS1 & KS2 Bouncy Castle Fun: We are excited to offer children in Years 1, 2 and 3 a bouncy castle experience session. Children will spend time having end of year fun with their classes.

During the afternoon Year 4 children will have an afternoon full of games, bouncy castle fun and activities. Year 4 parents/carers, please see the invite for more information.


Year 4 Transition Day to Middle School.


Millfield Transition Session: We have planned a transition session for Millfield children to enjoy spending time in their new classrooms getting to know their new teacher and support staff. 


2:00pm Provision for 2-Year-old tour: We are please to invite parents/carers of children starting our provision for 2-year-olds in September for a tour of Millfield. Parents/Carers will have the opportunity to meet members of the School Leadership Team and the Nursery Class Teacher, explore the Nursery classroom and ask any questions.


Friendship Ladder sports morning for KS1 and KS2 children. Children will enjoy spending part of the morning taking part in a variety of sporting activities within their Friendship Ladder groups.


End of Year Reports will be shared with parent/carers by 6pm today via the Arbor Parent Portal App. More information will follow to help you access these reports.

