Due to the situation we find ourselves in regarding COVID-19, we wanted to clarify school Christmas plans with parents/carers.
- Nursery and Reception, as planned, will perform group nativity scenes. These will be shared with parents/carers via Tapestry by Tuesday 21st December 2021.
- The Year 1 children will share Christmas songs via the school website on their year group page by Tuesday 21st December 2021.
- Year 2 will perform ‘Everybody Loves a Baby’. This will be filmed on Tuesday 14th December 2021. A letter will be sent out with more information including permissions. A link will follow for you to be able to view this production by Tuesday 21st December 2021.
- Christmas cards: If your child wishes to write Christmas cards to their school friends this year, they are welcomed to. However, to reduce movement between year groups, please encourage your child to only write cards to children in their year group.
- The PTA had kindly arranged a Christmas Fair and a pantomime for children to enjoy during the run up to Christmas. We are currently in discussion with the PTA about these events.
For your information:
- As planned, Year 3 children will carry out a Spring term performance this academic year.
- As planned, Year 4 children will carry out a Summer term performance this academic year. This will mark the end of their time at Millfield.