
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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On Wednesday 3rd November 2021, an email was sent out to parents/carers from HCC regarding additional COVID-19 measures in light of increased COVID-19 cases in Hertfordshire.


In Summary, at Millfield, ‘staff and visitors should wear face coverings when interacting with other adults within the setting, except when:

• outside on school premises

• eating or drinking

• someone is exempt from wearing face coverings.’


In addition, ‘Parents and carers visiting for drop off/pick up or entering premises in general should wear face coverings when inside or when they cannot keep a distance.'  With this in mind, at Millfield, we would highly appreciate the wearing of face coverings during drop off and pick up times due to adults being within a close proximity. Following this guidance, this will help to protect our community.
