Sadly, case rates are continuing to increase in the UK, and Hertfordshire is no different. While hospitalisations are lower than at the peak of the virus, we are still seeing people becoming very ill with Covid-19 and those yet to be vaccinated, namely under 18’s who you are supporting, are at the greatest risk of infection.
Primary, infant and middle schools
Free rapid tests are available for anyone in year 7 and above and, if taken regularly, can help reduce the risk of us spreading Covid-19 to one another and help us to keep children in school. School staff are taking regular tests and, at HCC, we are encouraging all parents and carers to do the same, order online, collect from a pharmacy or visit a mobile testing site, view your options at: Please do not test children below year 7, these tests are not recommended or made for use on younger children.
If you test positive using a rapid test you must book a confirmatory PCR test at: Your whole household, including any children, must begin self-isolating immediately.
These are challenging times for us all, please do not send children into school if:
· They have any symptoms of Covid-19 (a new, continuous cough, change or loss of taste or smell, a temperature) – in this instance you must book a PCR test
· If they are generally unwell, especially with colds, sore throats, headache and runny noses - it’s better to be safe than sorry
· They have been identified as a close contact and/or asked to self-isolate.