
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Message from Millfield PTA: Summer Event Postponed

The PTA had an ambitious calendar this year from the Christmas Fair, Movie Nights, School Discos and a Quiz Night. These events have been a real success and we would like to thank all involved for their support in raising funds for Millfield. Unfortunately, due to personal and professional commitments, the PTA are postponing the Summer Colour Run/Fair. This event is still planned for 2023, but not within this academic year. The PTA hope to confirm a September event date in due course. Please note, information will be shared with the current Year 4 parents/carers should current Year 4 children wish to attend. Thank you for your understanding. As always, if you would like to be part of Millfield PTA and/or help organise events, please contact the PTA (Alex, Becky or Emma, Millfield PTA members). 
