
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Message from Mrs Kennedy-Weeks:

It’s been another busy half term at Millfield!  We have celebrated many events, such as Children’s Mental Health Week, NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day, as well as many year group specific enrichment days e.g. Roman Day and Kings and Queens Day.  Millfield children and staff have thoroughly enjoyed joining in with all of these events. 


We were delighted to support the NSPCC by taking part in their Number Day to raise funds, which will help change the lives of children. Thank you for your kind donations to this charity; we are thrilled to share that our school community raised a fantastic £335.


We celebrated Safer Internet Day this week, where the theme was ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. We talked about how and where we use the internet and how to use it safely. We also looked at understanding consent in the digital world. We are proud to now be a National Online Safety (NOS) School; you will have received a letter today explaining all about NOS and how you can benefit at home from our membership.


Please complete the wrap around care survey that was sent out earlier this week to help us meet the needs of Millfield families:


Have a lovely half term break with family and friends.
