
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Message from Mrs Kennedy-Weeks:

We have all experienced a week full of fun and new experiences at Millfield! From a seaside experience and Schoolympics to workshops on relaxation, mindfulness and laughter, we have all been kept very busy.


On Thursday morning, children excitedly moved up to their new classrooms and were keen and curious to get to know their new teachers and support staff. They were learning, making and sharing information to support their transition into the next academic year. There was such a buzz in school for the whole day; we are all so proud of Millfield children.


Year 4 children were bursting to share information about their Year 5 experiences during the transition day at their new middle schools. We felt so proud of every child and received lovely feedback from the new schools regarding Millfield children – Well done Year 4!


Thank you to Year 1 parents/carers, who have recently attended Year 1 Class Assemblies. I’m sure the Year 1 parents/carers would agree that the children did an amazing job at sharing their learning in front of an audience.
