
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Message from Mrs Kennedy-Weeks

It has been a pleasure to welcome all children back to school this week, including our new starters in Nursery and Reception. All staff have been incredible impressed with how children have so quickly settled into a brand-new school year showing our school values and positive learning behaviours.


As shared there have been many developments to our school grounds over the summer holiday. Please take a look at our Gallery on the school website:


It was great to see so many children showing their parents and carers their new classrooms on Wednesday. At Millfield, we always encourage children to take ownership of their learning spaces; this was evident only two days into a new term! We are very much looking forward to further events where parents and carers join us in school. Please check our school calendar which is frequently updated:


Millfield staff have supported children in school during the hot weather we are experiencing. Children have been very sensible with drinking plenty of water, wearing suitable clothing and remaining in the shade when outside. Thank you for your support in preparing children for this weather i.e. suncream, water bottles and hats.


Extra-Curricular School Clubs start next week. There is still availability for some clubs, please see the letter sent home earlier this week for more information. There have been slight adjustments to the classrooms that will be used for collection of children at 4:15pm. Please check the table below to see where to collect your child from.


Class Timetables, Year Group Pages and Termly Parental Planning are on the school website for your information.

Class Timetables:

Year Group Pages:

Termly Parental Planning:


Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website.  Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group.

Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week. 
