Monday |
Tuesday |
Parent visit to Year 2 children to share information about modern day fire-fighting and the Great Fire of London. |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
NHS Height and Weight session for Reception children.
Friday |
Open event for parents/carers of children that will be starting in Reception or Nursery in September 2024. Please feel free to share this event with family or friends that may be interested. Book a place via the School Office (01763 271717). |
Attendance: Whole school attendance this week is 95.4%. Well done to Willow Class who are the class winners for attendance with 98.2%. This is an amazing achievement – well done!
Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website. Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group. Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week. |