
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Please see information below for the week commencing 11th March 2024:


C. S. Clifford Author Visit: KS1 and KS2 children will have a writing workshop experience with author C. S. Clifford. Please see letter sent out for further information.

EYFS children will have a visit from C. S. Clifford where a story will be enjoyed!






Red Nose Day: We would like to support Red Nose Day by inviting Millfield children and staff to ‘WEAR SOMETHING FUNNY FOR MONEY’.  On Friday 15th March, children and staff are invited to wear non-school uniform to school but with an added twist of wearing something funny!  Please don’t buy anything new, your child could simply wear their clothes inside out!


Please click on the following link to make all the contributions via Millfield’s Comic Relief JustGiving page:

Millfield's Red Nose Day JustGiving Page.

Please see the letter sent out for further information.

Attendance: Whole school attendance this week was 95.2%.  Well done to Olive Class who were the class winners for attendance with an amazing 98.6% – well done!


Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website.  Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group.

Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week.

