Monday |
School Dog Assembly: As Blue develops his therapy dog training it is time for children and staff to learn more about the role of an assistance dog and how they can now help with his training. |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Year 2 Cambridge Botanic Gardens: please see the letter previously sent out for more information.
School Uniform Sale: New school uniform will be for sale on the playground outside the Year 4 Classrooms afterschool (cash or cheque only). This includes:
Thursday |
Half Term Award Assemblies for children in school.
Half term holiday begins. School finishes at 3:15pm. All after school clubs remain open as normal.
School Uniform Sale: New school uniform will be for sale on the playground outside the Year 4 Classrooms afterschool (cash or cheque only). This includes:
Friday |
Inset Day: School closed for children.
We were recently visited by Cllr Duncan Wallace, the Town Mayor of Buntingford, who invited Millfield children and staff to support the up and coming Ford RideLondon Classique Cycle Event. Millfield has a planned INSET day scheduled on the day of this event so we are unfortunately unable to attend as a whole school. However, please see the message below from Cllr Duncan Wallace inviting the school community to this event:
The Ford RideLondon Classique Cycle Event is coming to Buntingford on Friday 24th May for the first time. The world’s best female cyclists will be racing through the town and East Herts villages. It is anticipated that the race will come through the town between 11:15am and 11:45am. We invite all to come and enjoy this spectacle and cheer them on. To find out more visit
Attendance: Whole school attendance this week was 95.4%. Well done to Maple Class who were the class winners for attendance with an amazing 99% – well done!
Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website. Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group. Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week. |