
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Please see information below for the week commencing 24th June 2024:


9:10am KS2 Sports Morning: We are looking forward to parents/carers joining us for this event. KS2 children will compete in timed activities within their house groups to win points for their teams. Please see further information within the letter sent out to parents/carers.


3:20pm – 3:40pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


Buntingford Library Assembly to introduce the Summer Reading Challenge for KS1 and KS2 children. Please see the letter sent out for more information about the Reading Challenge.


3:20pm – 3:40pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


9:10am KS1 Sports Morning: We are looking forward to parents/carers joining us for this event. KS1 children will compete in timed activities within their house groups to win points for their teams. Please see further information within the letter sent out to parents/carers.


3:20pm – 3:40pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


8:45am ‘The 2 Johns’ Promotion: The Online Safety Team and Mr Hughes will be on the playground promoting ‘The 2 Johns’ workshop for parents/carers. This essential workshop is taking place on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 6:15pm and will be held in the school hall. Please take a moment to listen to the Online Safety Team to find out more and book your place. Alternatively, you can book via the following link:


Year 4 Library Visits: The Year 4 classes will be visiting Buntingford Library where they will have a tour, story and activity relevant to the topic they are focusing on in class. Millfield staff will walk children to and from the library.



Attendance: Whole school attendance this week was 93%.  Well done to Rowan Class who were the class winners for attendance with 96.3%.


Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website.  Please then find the

