Monday |
Harvest Donations: Please see the email sent out for more information. If you wish to donate any items that are listed in the email, please send them in with your child in the morning. Thank you.
Harvest Assembly for KS1 & 2 children in partnership with Buntingford Food Bank. |
Tuesday |
Year 2 Great Fire of London Experience Day: Please see the email sent out for further information. |
Wednesday |
Year 3 Stone Age Workshop: Please see the email sent out for further information. |
Thursday |
Hello Yellow Day: Children and staff are invited to wear non-school uniform with yellow today! Please see the email sent out for further information. World Mental Health Day activities for children will take place in classes today.
SEND Coffee Morning: Allocated parents/carers have been sent an email invite, please see this for further information.
Herts Catering Limited Food Technology lessons with Willow & Rowan Classes: All ingredients etc will be provided. Cooking opportunities will be offered to all year groups over the school year.
11:00am Nursery (2 & 3 year olds) & Reception Prospective Parent/Carer Open Morning: Here at Millfield we look forward to welcoming prospective parents with children starting school in September 2025 for a tour. |
Friday |
Friendship Ladders: KS1 & KS2 children will enjoy working in mixed aged groupings to learn all about safe networks. This is known as ‘Protective Behaviours’. |
Attendance: Whole school attendance this week was 96.01% Well done to Cherry Class who were the class winners for attendance with an amazing 99.1%.
Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website. Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group. Latest News | Millfield First and Nursery School Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week. |