
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Please see information below for the week commencing 16th December 2024:

Christmas Parties will take place for every Year group this week: Please see the email sent out for further information. Year group allocated party days can be viewed below.


Sleeping Beauty Pantomime for KS1 & 2 children at The Spotlight Theatre in Hoddesdon: Please see the emails sent out for further information.


Search for Santa Pantomime for Nursery & Reception children at Millfield: Please see the email sent out for further information.


Year 2 Christmas party for children.


Reception Christmas party for children.


Christmas Dinner Day for Millfield children and staff.


Christmas Raffle Prize Draw: Good luck to everyone who has entered. All winners will be contacted to collect their prize.


Nursery Christmas party for children.


Year 1 Christmas party for children.


Year 4 Christmas party for children.


Year 3 Christmas party for children.


Award Assemblies for children in school.


End of Term Assembly for children in school.


School finishes at 1:10pm.

Attendance: Whole school attendance this week was 93.25%. Well done to Ash Class who were the class winners for attendance with an amazing 97.4%.


Forthcoming learning information: To view information about year group learning for next week please click on the following link to year group pages on our school website.  Please then find the icon titled ‘Forthcoming Learning’ within your child’s year group.  Latest News | Millfield First and Nursery School

Please note: This will be available to view by the beginning of each week.


