Monday |
Remembrance Day Assembly for KS1 & 2 children.
3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information. |
Tuesday |
NHS Flu Immunisations: Please see information sent out for further information.
9:05 Maple Class Assembly: For Maple Class parents/carers, please see your invite sent out for more information.
3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information. |
Wednesday |
Year 4 rearranged Egyptian Workshop for Year 4 children: Children are encouraged to wear their wonderful Egyptian costumes again.
3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information. |
Thursday |
Herts Catering Limited Food Technology lessons with Rowan Class. All ingredients etc will be provided.
7:30pm PTA AGM: If you are able to support the Millfield PTA, please contact a current member. Take a look at our website for further information about the Millfield PTA: |
Friday |
9:05 Birch Class Assembly: For Birch Class parents/carers, please see your invite sent out for more information.
Celebration Assembly for KS1 & 2 children.
PTA Film Night: The PTA are busy planning this event, more information will follow from the PTA. |
Attendance: Whole school attendance this week is 96%. Well done to Willow Class who are the class winners for attendance with 99.56%. This is an amazing achievement – well done! |