
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Please see information below for the week commencing: 6th November 2023


Remembrance Day Assembly for KS1 & 2 children.


3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


NHS Flu Immunisations: Please see information sent out for further information.


9:05 Maple Class Assembly: For Maple Class parents/carers, please see your invite sent out for more information.


3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


Year 4 rearranged Egyptian Workshop for Year 4 children: Children are encouraged to wear their wonderful Egyptian costumes again.


3:30pm – 3:45pm: Book Fair in the school hall. Please enter and exit through the car park entrance. Please see the letter sent out for more information.


Herts Catering Limited Food Technology lessons with Rowan Class. All ingredients etc will be provided.


7:30pm PTA AGM: If you are able to support the Millfield PTA, please contact a current member. Take a look at our website for further information about the Millfield PTA:


9:05 Birch Class Assembly: For Birch Class parents/carers, please see your invite sent out for more information.


Celebration Assembly for KS1 & 2 children.


PTA Film Night: The PTA are busy planning this event, more information will follow from the PTA.

Attendance: Whole school attendance this week is 96%. Well done to Willow Class who are the class winners for attendance with 99.56%. This is an amazing achievement – well done!

