As shared in the letter sent out, we aim to start the sports mornings at 9:15am. After dropping your child off at their classroom door at the normal time, please make your way to the field where you can wait for the classes to arrive. The sports equipment will be set up so we are ready to go as soon as the classes arrive. Please do not allow any younger siblings to play with the equipment that has been set up for the sports activities.
Key Stage 1 and 2 Sports Mornings: The children will compete in 8 timed activities within their House teams. The activities will demonstrate speed, catching, dribbling/shooting and throwing skills. After 3 minutes, a whistle will blow to signify the end of each of the activities. Scores will be recorded and teams will move onto the next activity until all house groups have completed all events. As a finale, all children will have the opportunity to take part in a flat race.
EYFS Sports Mornings: The EYFS children will take part in a range of fun sporting activities that they have been enjoying within their PE lessons.
After all the sports mornings have taken place, we will count up the scores and share the winning house!