
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Information Week Commencing: 21st November 2022


Year 4 children have been invited to watch a performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Freman College by Freman students. This will take place during the morning and children will be accompanied by Millfield staff.


Half-termly art competition: children are invited to enter a piece of art learning that they have completed this half-term in their art lessons. We look forward to viewing the winning pieces in Millfield’s Art Gallery.


Year 3 Wandlebury Country Park Trip: Please see the letter sent out for more information.


9:05am: Ash Class Assembly. Please see the letter sent out for further information. This assembly is expected to last between 20-30 minutes. Please enter via the carpark gates.


9:05am: Oak Class Assembly. Please see the letter sent out for further information. This assembly is expected to last between 20-30 minutes. Please enter via the carpark gates.



