
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Information - Week Commencing: 28th November 2022






Extra-Curricular after school sewing club: This club will take place in Birch Class as a one-off. If your child attends this club, please collect children from Birch Class at 4:15pm.


Year 4 Book Launch: Year 4 parents/carers are invited to Year 4 classrooms (Ash and Oak) from 3:20pm to 3:40pm. Please see the letter sent out for further information.


PTA Non-School Uniform Day: Children are invited to come to school in non-school uniform today. If possible, please send your child to school with a chocolate item for the PTA Christmas Fair Chocolate Tombola. Please see the PTA leaflet for further information about the Christmas Fair taking place at Millfield on Friday 9th December, 4 – 6pm.


Occasional Day: Millfield is closed today for children and staff.

