
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Reminders and Messages for Week Commencing: 18th October 2021


Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop for Year 3 children: Please see the letter sent out for more information.


Year 4 visit to Edwinstree: Please see email sent out. This visit will take place during the morning and Millfield staff will remain with Millfield children for the duration of the visit.


Reception Award Assembly for Millfield children.


School photographer visit to provide ‘catch up’ photos for children who were absent for the whole school photo day.


KS1 and KS2 Award Assemblies for Millfield children.


Reception Phonics Day: Please see the Tapestry post (posted on Monday 11th October) for more information. We look forward to seeing the Reception children dressed as a person or object starting with a specific sound of their choice e.g. ‘P’ for Pirate.


Friendship Ladders event: Children will be thinking about their safe networks. A safe network is a group of trusted people that children can discuss and share any worries or concerns with. We use our hands to choose 5 people at home and at school who can help us.

