
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Reminders and Messages for Week Commencing: 6th December 2021

Please be aware this is the last week of extra-curricular clubs (not Breakfast or After School Clubs i.e. Wrap Around Care)








In preparation for Christmas Jumper Day, we would like to invite all children to enter our ‘Design a Christmas jumper’ competition. Designs due by today. Please see the information sent out earlier this week.


Christmas Jumper Day: Please see the information sent out earlier this week. Your child is invited to wear a Christmas jumper along with non-school uniform. Please do not feel you have to buy anything new, your child could wear some tinsel or a Christmas hat. Please donate to ‘Save the Children’ via Schoolgateway. 


Christmas Friendship Ladder Event in Year groups: Children will join together to enjoy Christmas crafts.

