
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Reminders and Messages for Week Commencing: 2nd May 2022

Monday May bank holiday. 
Tuesday Deadline to accept Reception & Middle School Places offered for September 2022. 

9:05 Year 3 Willow Class Assembly: Please see the letter sent out for further information. We expect the assembly to last approximately 30 minutes. We would like to request that no more than two people attend per child, this includes siblings. 


County Rapid Fire Event for Year 4 children at Hatfield. Please see letters for allocated children. Mrs Wallis is looking forward to joining children at this event. 


9:05 Year 3 Rowan Class Assembly: Please see the letter sent out for further information. We expect the assembly to last approximately 30 minutes. We would like to request that no more than two people attend per child, this includes siblings. 


Book Fair: Please see the letter sent out to all parents/carers. 

This day has been allocated to children in Red House: 3:20 – 3:45pm. 

