
MillfieldFirst & Nursery School

Working together to meet the needs of all our children

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Weekly Parent/Carer Reminders and Messages for Week Commencing: 4th July 2022


Class assemblies: Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee book sharing. Every child from Reception to Year 4 will be given a commemorative book to mark Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee by the Government. We hope the children enjoy sharing these at home.


KS2 Silk painting sessions with a visiting artist, Andrew Wynne. On Tuesday morning, all Year 4 children will need to arrive at school via the Community Classroom.




KS1 Number Detective Day.


KS2 Schoolympics at KJAR for Year 3 and Year 4 children. Please see the letter sent home for further information.


Year 2 Shuttleworth trip. Please see the letter sent home for further information.


KS2 Number Detective Day.


Reception Superhero Day: Please see information sent via Tapestry on 20.06.22.

